DDr. Karl Gollegger
“Culture as the sum of intellectual, philosophical, ethical, and aesthetical achievements is presently seeing a historic progression in the areas of music, acting, opera, and architecture in the city of Salzburg. Thus, in the 21st century, supported by voluntary dedication and sponsorship, it was our call to create a high-quality path to formative art in public space. The discussions that led to this point, the debate over value, and the quality of the artistic works have affected many. In retrospect, I ascertain with gratitude that the gamble was worth it and together we have found enrichment and fulfillment.”
Date of birth, -city: 5. November 1952, Großarl
Nationality: Austria
Family status: married, 4 children (38, 37, 28 and 23 years old)
Address: 5020 Salzburg, Klausenburgerstrasse 3/2
Career track
starting in 07/2005 current chairman of the executive board for VERBUND Sales GmbH, Vienna
04/2005 – 09/2005 kfm. board member, Verbund Italia S.p.a., Milan
01/2005 – 09/2005 chief executive of VERBUND-BeiteiligungsgmbH, head of new businesses/investments, Vienna
05/1999 – 12/2004 first deputy mayor of the state capital, Salzburg
01/1997 – 04/1999 head of business “electrical business“, Verbund Group, Vienna
02/1994 – 04/1999 kfm. board member, Tauernkraft AG, Salzburg
07/1990 – 01/1994 sole managing director, Großglocker-Hochalpenstrassen AG, Salzburg
04/1989 – 06/1990 management director, Pappas Group (Alpine Bau GmbH), Salzburg
08/1980 – 03/1989 head of office for Governor Dr. Wilfried Haslauer, Salzburg
09/1976 – 12/1979 chief executive, Weithofer Bekleidungs AG, Salzburg
1979 – 1983 study of law and political science, University of Salzburg (work student)
1976 – 1980 study of communications and political science, University of Salzburg (work student)
1971 – 1975 HBLA Raumberg (Matura), Irdning
1968 – 1970 vocational technical school Klessheim, Salzburg
1959 – 1967 8-year compulsory school Au, Großarl
Military service
1975 – 1976 infantry, Landeck/Tirol
Volunteer activities
President of the “Salzburg Foundation“, “Treasurer Foundation” and “High Tauern National Park”.