Salzburgs zeitgenössisches Kunst-Herz schlägt in der historischen Altstadt: Den Skulpturenparcours im öffentlichen Raum mit Werken international renommierter Künstler hat die Salzburg Foundation über zehn Jahre realisiert. Die Werke gehören heute zur Sammlung Würth. 10 years of art in the public spaces of the World Cultural Heritage site of Salzburg – welcome to the Salzburg Walk of Modern Art (Würth Collection). Lesen Sie hier weiter / Read more.

Walk of Modern Art

Salzburg Art Project
Since 2002, the Salzburg Foundation, in collaboration with the Foundation for Art and CultureBonn, has furthered outdoor sculpture projects by renowned international artists in Salzburg. Our ambitious aim is to supplement the city’s long-standing cultural tradition by contemporary artistic statements, and to offer the publican opportunity for a direct involvement with this form of art as well. Read more

Kunstprojekt Krauthügel
80.000 qm Kunstraum im Grünen: Seit 2014 wird der „Krauthügel“ unterhalb der Festung Hohensalzburg jeden Sommer zum Schauplatz für eine Skulpturenpräsentation. 80,000 sq.m. of green public space: The „Krauthuegel Art Project“ is to stage a temporary outdoor exhibition each year beneath Hohensalzburg Castle. Lesen Sie hier weiter / Read more.

Krauthügel Art Project
As a sequel to the successful 10-year „Walk of Modern Art“ project, the Salzburg Foundation has just unveiled three new sculptures by Anthony Cragg as part of the newly-launched „Krauthügel Art Project“. Scheduled to run for five years, this new venture is to stage a temporary outdoor exhibition each year beneath Hohensalzburg Castle, across some 80,000 sq.m. of green public space.“ Read more